
To know Him and make Him known through worship: giving praise to God through dynamic and inspirational worship for the family of God.

At MRC we deeply value our weekly habit of gathering as a community of God’s people to come before God in praise, to experience God’s grace in Word and Sacrament, and to offer ourselves in prayer and grateful service.  Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing (Psalm 100: 2).  God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth (John 4: 24).  We hope that you will join us for worship each Sunday morning.  For directions, click here.


Sunday Morning Schedule

From the second Sunday of September to the second Sunday of June, our worship service is scheduled for 11:00 am, preceded by our Sunday School for all ages at 10:00 am.  From the third Sunday of June to the first Sunday of September our worship service is held at 10:00 am.

We typically celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month, except during the season of Lent (the 40 days before Easter, not counting Sundays).  During Lent we “fast” from Communion, until the evening of Maundy Thursday, when we remember The Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples.

Large print bulletins and hearing assisted devices are available on request from our ushers.

Nursery care is available for infants and children from birth to 5 years old.


Special Worship Services

Throughout the year we gather for special worship experiences, some of which are not held on Sunday mornings.  You are invited to join us for these special services:

Ash Wednesday Service:  This service begins the season of Lent.  The service is at 7:00 pm

Maundy Thursday Service:  The Thursday before Easter, at 7:00 pm, this service includes an intimate celebration of the Lord’s Supper reminiscent of the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples.

Easter Sunrise Service, an outdoor service (weather permitting), at 7:00 am, to celebrate the morning of Jesus’ resurrection.

Music Ministry Celebration Service:  Usually held in late May or early June, this service celebrates the contributions of our Music Ministry participants to our worship services.

Sunday School Celebration Service:  Held on the second Sunday of June, this service celebrates the accomplishments of our children and youth during the past Sunday School year.

Summer Outdoor Worship Service:  Held near the end of July, we worship outdoors in the beauty of Thomson Park, adjacent to our church building.

Sunday School Kick-off Service:  Held on the second Sunday of September, this service celebrates the beginning of our new Sunday School year and is followed by a picnic or indoor luncheon. (YUM!)

World Wide Communion Sunday:  On the first Sunday of October churches around the world celebrate Communion together.  Our local observance of this day usually includes a guest speaker from or knowledgeable about the church in another part of the world.

All Saint’s Day Service:  On the Sunday closest to November 1, our worship service closes with special remembrance of MRC members and other beloved friends and family who have passed away within the last year.

Mindings Sunday:  On the Sunday before Thanksgiving, our church celebrates a unique tradition of sharing gifts with members of our congregation who have experienced significant milestones in life since last Thanksgiving.

Christmas Eve Service:  We celebrate Jesus’ birth at our Christmas Eve service, beginning with pre-service music at 7:00 pm leading to our worship service at 7:30 pm which includes the lighting of the Advent wreath, special music, traditional lessons and carols, closing with singing Silent Night by candlelight.


Music Ministry

Our Senior Choir and Adult & Family Handbell choirs inspire and enrich our worship services.  New members are welcome in these groups all the time.  Contact Paul Conrad, Choir Director, at 732-873-2776.

Senior Choir:  The Senior Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7:30 pm from September to early June.  If you are a high-school freshman or older, join us for a lively evening of song, sharing, and group therapy!

Children’s Choir:  Children in grades 1-5 are invited to join us for rehearsals during worship, where we learn music to sing in services throughout the school year.

Handbells Choir:  MRC Bell Choir is open to anyone age 8 and older. No background in music is required, (we’re all learning)! The bell choir rehearses on Monday nights from 7-8 pm, September to early June. Please email our director, Gillian Erlenborn, at gillianerlenborn@gmail.com with any questions!


Congregational Involvement

Besides in our choirs, there are other ways in which members of our congregation participate in our worship services.  Some of these are “up front” opportunities, and others of these are more behind the scenes.  Everyone’s gifts can be used at MRC!!  Please consider volunteering to serve in these ways:

Ushers greet people entering the sanctuary, help seat attendees, distribute worship service bulletins, collect the offering, count people in our service, and in general attend to the safety and comfort of those worshipping with us each week.  Ushers are ambassadors for our church.

Acolytes are children from 6 to 12 who assist in our worship service by lighting and extinguishing the altar candles.  The lighting of the altar candles in the worship service is a symbol of Jesus’ coming into the presence of the worshiping community.  Before the extinguishing of the last altar candles, the acolytes relight their “candle lighter” and then process out.  This symbolizes that Jesus Christ is for all people everywhere.  It also symbolizes the light of Jesus Christ leading us out into the world where believers are called to serve.

Scripture Readers are youth and adults who read the scripture passage(s) that are central to each week’s worship service.  Having laity read the scriptures reminds us that God’s word is for all people.  Volunteers receive the scripture passage in the week before the Sunday they are scheduled so they can become familiar with the reading in advance.

Nursery care for the little ones in our church family is very important to us.  We provide nursery care so our children can experience God’s love in a safe environment while their parents are in worship nurturing their own faith there.  Volunteers arrive a little before the service, and remain in the nursery until the last child is picked up.

Fellowship Hour is a time of sharing together in conversation and refreshments after our worship service.  Volunteers provide refreshments, set them out and clean up afterwards.

For more information or to volunteer for any of the above please call the church office, 732-873-2776.